We recently decided that Harper would be our last baby.  This is the first time I've actually written it down, so forgive me as I wipe away some tears...


See, I would have a dozen babies if we had the means.  I adore being a mom to many, and Chris loves being a dad- we simply recognized we probably shouldn't go on having babies forever.  We are allowing our family to grow in new ways.

This has been particularly hard for me as my oldest 2 turn 8 & 10 this week.  It goes SO painfully fast.  That old adage "The days are long but the years are fast" has never felt more true.  My days of nursing are in the near future, going to draw to a close.  The newborns I cuddle will go back to the arms of their mommies.  My babies are quickly becoming kids and tweens.

denver newborn lifestyle photographer

In reflecting on all of this, I decided I need to write it all down before I forget.  That means lots more personal posts this year.  I'm planning on writing down as much as I can recall, the good, the not so glorious, the beautiful, and the not.  I'm going to do my best to do bits and pieces, photos included of course.  It is really mostly for me, but I hope it will also be for my kids, and maybe there will be something helpful in there for you too.


Today, Noah is 8.


Impressions from September & October 2015 : a personal project | Denver Family Photographer