Impressions from September & October 2015 : a personal project | Denver Family Photographer

I feel like September was a few days ago, yet here we are at the end of November, Thanksgiving no less!  What a perfect time to share impressions from September and October on today.  When you finish here, be sure to go visit Vinita to see her Impressions.

September started school, Hailey off to 4th grade, Noah to 2nd, and Teagan to Kindergarten.  Sam gets to be home with me, but he couldn't bare not being in the first day photos.

Harper's personality has blossomed, and she is full on toddler now.  Forever moving and exploring, she brings so much light into our lives.  She is opinionated and sassy, but so loving.

I was honored to photograph a couple weddings for loved ones in September and October, and our family got to attend those. It's pretty neat when they get to watch me work, and I get to take some unique images of them that I normally wouldn't at home (probably something I should be better about, as I absolutely love the image below and I wouldn't have snapped this if I wasn't in work mode.

Teagan saw a photo of Twiggy at the end of September, and said "Hey!  I look like her! Let's take a picture!"  So I busted out the mascara and we ventured outside.  It's pretty much my favorite ever.  Doesn't she totally look like Twiggy here?

Another wedding of a loved one- and my hubby even snuck a photo of me loving on our son Noah. He was overwhelmed by the volume of the music in the small room for a short time, then he was back on the dance floor showing off his moves with his brother and sisters. 

Halloween 2015!  We had so much fun, and only went to about 15 houses before the kids were ready to go home.  It was the perfect amount of treats for them.  Hailey was Joy from the movie Inside Out, Teagan was Disgust, and Sam was Anger.  (Everyone LOVED Sam's outfit- he was called "boss man" a lot!).  Noah was Pikachu, and Harper was a little bitty skeleton, because we wanted to have her be a rainbow unicorn and couldn't find the right outfit.  She sure loved carrying a bucket and getting lollipops.


The year to write it all down. | Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photography


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