How soon should you do newborn photos? | Denver Newborn Photographer
How early can I book newborn photos?
Often, families are calling me after baby is born and they’ve realized how incredible their new arrival is and want to get photos done of baby ASAP! While this method is totally fine (and welcome! I know how much happens at the end of pregnancy, how pregnant brain takes over, and how we can even dount the importance of newborn portraits), and I often can make time to capture those first days of your infant in their soft, sleepy, still curled up phase; I absolutely recommend reaching out to your local photographers as soon as it crosses your mind in your pregnancy, even as early as the end of your first trimester. If you book in Colorado with me, we will put your EDD (estimated due date) on the calendar, and then we stay in touch until baby is here and then set the official date. Babies set their own schedule and I don’t want you to stress about a set date for in home newborn photos when baby is still hanging curtains in their womb.
While you are in your second trimester, spend some time online looking at the type of photography that sings to your heart- spend some time looking around their website. Talk to your friends with babies and ask for trusted, professional phtographer recommendations. Decide if you think you would prefer to head to a studio or if you would prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home during those first days after baby arrives.
Then, reach out to a few photographers who have caught your eye. Feel free to make a list of questions that are important to you. Then when you’re ready, book with your favorite!
“When should we do newborn pictures?”
One of the most common questions I’m asked as an in-home newborn phtographer is “When should we do newborn photos?”. To be perfectly honest, I’m going to tell you every time it depends on a few factors.
1. What style of newborn photography are you looking for?
If you are hoping for posed newborn photography, baby is going to ideally need to be within the first two weeks of their life (with exception to premies, of course- we hug their original due date for photos). The first two weeks after a baby is born are their most sleepy, and they are still accustomed to being curled tightly. They are most likely to sleep through this part of an in home posed newborn session, vs when they are older and more alert.
If you are hoping for a lifestyle newborn photography session, where baby is photographed in natural poses and the focus is on your family together, we are more flexible with timing, and the first six to eight weeks are great for photos, however you will be AMAZED how quickly they change in those first two weeks, so I definitely recommend paying attention to what you want from your photos. That said, I consider any time in the first 6 weeks of life a newborn session, and am happy to chat about what works for your family.
2. How did baby’s birth go?
If you had any major procedures or complications, you don’t need to be rushing into a session immediately after having baby. I have done hospital portraits (also known as Fresh48 photos), as well as in-home newborn photos as early as baby being 3 days old. I want you feeling like you’ve had a chance to breathe for a moment. Stay in touch with your photographer. I ask for a text when baby arrives with a quick check in on how you all are. If you feel up for it then, we plan your session date. If you need a few days to settle in, we check back and plan it then. I’ve had 7 babies (5 of my own and 2 surrogate buddies), so I know really well what a huge adjustment those first weeks are.
Taking a bit of extra time to settle in at home, rest, and recover can make a huge difference in how much new parents are able to soak in and enjoy their newborn portrait experience.
3. How much time does your partner have off work?
Let’s be real—maternity and paternity leave in this country often leave a lot to be desired. That’s why it’s important to think about your partner’s work schedule when planning your baby’s newborn photos. Making sure the whole family gets to soak in those newborn snuggles is a top priority during every session I photograph.
If your partner has limited leave or a rigid work schedule, it’s a good idea to schedule your session while they are home. This way, everyone gets a chance to be part of the experience without the added stress of squeezing it into an already packed schedule. I am happy to book on weekends to accomodate work schedules as well, should they have limited time at home with you.
If your partner has extended leave or more flexibility at work, that opens up more options for when to schedule your session. Feel free to contact me and we can chat about what will fit best.
4. Siblings!
Be it fur siblings, or human, I absolutely want all of your babies involved in your portrait session. With five kids of my own, I was met with a lot of elements to consider when we brought home each baby. If you have a toddler or young children, please know I have been a professional newborn and child photographer for over 16 years, and their enthusiasm for a new person in their home PLUS the addition of baby is not going to phase me. Please don’t feel pressured to have them behave in a way they don’t normally. I am an educator during the week- my life is young humans. I also showed dogs for 10 years, so your precious fur babies are welcome and wanted in photos. Plan to schedule your newborn session date for after they have met baby.
5. What do YOU want your newborn photos to look like?
Do you want sleepy, curled up, tiny as they will ever be portraits? I recommend booking your posed and lifesyle photos in the first 2 weeks.
Do you want a mixture of awake and sleepy photos? Book a lifestyle session around 3-4 weeks. Baby will have more periods of alertness while still captuing the sweet, sleepy photos of those first days.
Do you want mostly awake photos and more first smiles? Book for 5-6 weeks old! We won’t have curled photos with this age, but their personalities sure start to blossom! * weeks also makes a great starter milestone session if you’re craving both the first option and this age. I’m here for all of those moments.
With all the tips above, I will say: There’s no BAD time to take photos of your precious newborn baby. Take the time while you are pregnant to explore what you would like the first images you take as a new family to look like. Your photographer’s job is to bring your dream pictures to life, to capture this special moment. Thanks for taking the time to read!