Denver Colorado Photographer

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{G Family} | Highlands Ranch Family Photographer

I got to play duck-duck-goose this weekend.  Actually, it usually becomes duck-duck-duck-duck-duck.....DUCK-duck-duck.... DUUUUUUUCK-duck-duck......GOOSE!, followed by running not in a circle, but FAR FAR away from the goose.  At least if we're playing playground rules.  I admit though- I kinda stunk up the duck-duck-goosing.  I had a injured heel and I couldn't chase the boys.  I was bummed. Aren't these boys too cute???  Five years old, with a new brother, cuteness galore and awesome parents.  They know all about super heroes and think it's hilarious when you tell them not to smile.  They made my day.


The whole family was all about bare feet.  I have to tell you- I was excited about that, because shoes are, after all, highly overrated.

Thank you G family.  You are all beautiful and have blessed me.