Impressions from January & February 2016| A personal project | Denver Family Photographer

I have so many unedited images from these months, which I suppose is a good thing in a way, because it means I've been using my "big camera" at home more.  Now I need to get them all prettied up and printed before they collect technological dust. (print your photos my friends!)

January is always a tough month for my mommy heart.  We are coming off of a kiddo birthday and Christmas, straight into 2 more kiddo birthdays and a half birthday.  They all kind of "level up" all at once!  

I've made a habit of doing a portrait session with each of them on or near their birthday, and so in January we set up an area and went for it.  A few months ago, when Teagan had first gotten her hair cut, she had a moment of worrying that she didn't look like a girl. So, we googled women with short hair. Twiggy popped up and she said "HEY! I look like her! Can we take a picture?" Um, YES! So we did a photoshoot and I am in love with the result (it's a canvas in our front hallway!). It has now become a special project where she chooses an iconic woman and a portrait of her that she loves and we recreate it in her own way.  We revisited google and found an image of Anne Hathaway in Vogue as her hair grew out from Les Miserables, and knew that was the one! It is so special to have this little project together.

I think for most mothers, there is a secret hope that their daughter will choose a little piece from her wedding for her own. I'm not certain that will happen with my girls, but to see her precious face through my wedding veil, the tiniest glimpse of the future... be still my heart. I can't help but tear up a little.

My sweet messy faced 3 year old, my precious 8 year old who always wants to make me smile, my little pistol... I feel so blessed to have them.  They're growing too fast.  I owe Hailey a snow photo shoot.  She wanted her 10 year portraits to be in the snow.  She's crazy.  I'm happy to oblige her though.  Hopefully those will be ready soon. 

‘Impressions‘ is a creative project by an eclectic group of female photographers from around the globe. We aim to share the inspiration behind what we do through our bi-monthly posts.

Every other month, we will be sharing 8 images that tell the story of what inspired us in the previous weeks: our families, nature, weather, or maybe even work itself! We are free to explore the meaning of ‘impressions’, and it is likely to change month to month.

Now that you've visited here, head over to Leslie's website and see what she's been up to.  Her work is stunning- you won't want to miss it. 


Baby Stetson | Evergreen Colorado Family Newborn Photographer


Crazy Hair Day