Impressions from May & June 2016 : A Personal Project

Gosh, summer is almost over!  We have had a full and wonderful one, and even now we are in Texas spending time with family and doing some really fun things you'll see in the September post!  When you're done here, be sure to visit Natalie and see what her May and June brought for her and her beautiful family!

In May, Sammy turned 4.  We celebrated with a fun picnic and day at the park (I love how easy it is to make birthdays special when they're little)  I can't believe how big he is.  We also finish what is probably our last year of homeschooling, as the kids are starting school at a performing arts school in a few weeks.  

June was a crazy full month.  We helped my parents start their garden.  We figure the best way for kids to learn about food is to help it grow.  They learn to appreciate what goes into the plants getting here.  I wish they could work in the garden more than they've gotten to this summer though. 

We got a new play set in our back yard, repaired our trampoline, and then off we went to Lake Powell for a short vacation.  My parents spent 2 weeks there, and it was such a wonderful way to unplug from the world and just be together. 

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‘Impressions‘ is a creative project by an eclectic group of female photographers from around the globe. We aim to share the inspiration behind what we do through our bi-monthly posts.

Every other month, we will be sharing 8 images that tell the story of what inspired us in the previous weeks: our families, nature, weather, or maybe even work itself! We are free to explore the meaning of ‘impressions’, and it is likely to change month to month.




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