Impressions from July & August 2017 | A Personal Project | Denver Family Photographer

Summer was short, but we drank up as much as we could. Harper turned 3... which to me was us officially leaving the baby stage of our life. It was emotional- but so fun.  

Make sure you visit Leslie and continue around our circle- they have the most beautiful photos!


‘Impressions‘ is a creative project by an eclectic group of female photographers from around the globe. We aim to share the inspiration behind what we do through our bi-monthly posts.

Every other month, we will be sharing 8 images that tell the story of what inspired us in the previous weeks: our families, nature, weather, or maybe even work itself! We are free to explore the meaning of ‘impressions’, and it is likely to change month to month.


2017 In Review | Denver Family Photographer


2017 Additional Mini Session Dates | Denver Family Photographer