Impressions from January & February 2018| A personal project | Denver Family Photographer

‘Impressions‘ is a creative project by an eclectic group of female photographers from around the globe. Every other month, we share a selection of images that tell the story of what inspired us in the previous weeks. We are free to explore the meaning of ‘impressions’, and it is likely to change month to month.

Visit Susanne next!


Yes, these are all cell phone photos. I'm totally guilty of capturing them more with my phone than the big camera- but it's so much easier to be in the moment.  Hailey turned 12 in January, Noah turned 10. We volleyballed and helped at school and snuggled as much as we could!  It was a crazy couple months but also a good couple months. 


Lifestyle Newborn Photos with Pets | Aurora, Colorado Newborn Photographer


Impressions from November & December 2017 | A Personal Project